Is It Possible to Hear God Speaking to You? Can You Hear His Voice?

Morag Cheshire
2 min readMar 27, 2019


“I genuinely sat down outside the other night, and I looked up at the stars and I said… God, please speak, I want to hear your voice”. Grace* paused, as she turned and looked at me. “I just want to hear God’s voice. Like you do!” she continued… “At the café the other day, you told me what God was saying to you. I want that!”.

I could sense longing and hope in her voice. As each word came out of Grace’s mouth, I could see this unfolding of revelation coming. I know as she keeps searching and talking to God, that she will find Him. Truth is, He’s already working in her life. He’s already drawing her. Grace’s story is not mine to tell, so I won’t betray that confidence. What I can tell you is that woven through her life are clear signposts that point to God. I’m excited she’s recognising those.

When we ask God to show up, when we cry to Him with all our heart, He comes. He’s not a God who hides, He reveals himself in so many ways, but do we recognise Him?

I hear God’s voice, I hear it clearly, but sometimes there’s so much noise and so many distractions that His voice gets lost. Just a little bit sometimes, other times His voice gets almost completed drowned out and unrest or panic starts to take over. That’s when it’s important to take time to refocus, to remember, and to allow God to hold you close.

If you let Him, you can feel His presence, you can know His touch, you can hear His voice and peace comes.

Do you talk to God, and then wait to listen for the answer?

*name changed



Morag Cheshire

Passionate. Practical. I live my life with Jesus leading